Bon Appetit Adult Dog Light Chicken & Rice Holistik the hypoallergenic bezglyutenovy facilitated dog food with chicken and rice ★ HOLISTIC ★ HYPOALLERGENIC ★ ULTRA PREMIUM ★ CONTAINS PREBIOTICS ★ VETERINARY CERTIFIED ★ Korm contains 55% of chicken meat and chicken ingredients and, thanks to it, in the recipe we manage to reach the level of 80% of protein of animal origin! Rich from 55% of chicken meat and chicken ingredients, Bon Appétit provides with meat the majority of nutrients for dogs of all breeds and age depending on their physiological requirements. Hondroitin, Hondroitins glycosamine in an ideal combination with a glycosamine are added for achievement of optimum protection of an articulate cartilage against damages of 9 antioxidants contains an olive, lemon, orange, grapefruit pulp and pulp of grape seeds, a thyme, an oregano, parsley, a marjoram, for the best prevention of many diseases. Preimushchestva of Bon Appetit forages Healthy diyetaolivkovy oil is a powerful tool of protection against degenerative diseases. It is a rich source of monounsaturated fats which reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases due to decrease in level of the lipids in blood corking arteries. Besides, olive oil is an excellent source of polyphenols - powerful antioxidants which draw attention more and more thanks to the ability to strengthen health. High content of meat: to 72%belki animal origin are especially necessary for dogs and cats who, first of all, are predators. Proteins play a structural role in bones, muscles, sinews, ligaments and skin. Also they are present at enzymes, hormones and antibodies. Animal protein has great biological value, than vegetable, their amino-acid profile is fuller and also they are better acquired. 9 natural antioksidantovprirodny antioxidants for protection of cages of an organism against damage by free radicals who can result from influence of certain chemicals, smoking, environmental pollution, radiation. Our recipes are rich with natural antioxidants – they are useful to health of heart and also can help to reduce risk of infections and some forms of cancer Energy and vital the silaantarktichesky krill is protein-rich. This little animal found in the Antarctic waters of the Southern ocean, not polluted by neither heavy metals, nor antibiotics. These are 100% the natural and useful additive rich with protein. Soderzhit is a lot of iodine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium. The krill is rich an omega-3 of EPA and DHA, useful to a cardiovascular system, for a brain and nervous system, for skin and joints and also it is powerful natural antioxidant with excellent bioavailability. Komplex vitaminovekstrakt grape seeds and lemon pulp (natural vitamin A and C), orange pulp (natural vitamin C), pulp and extract of seeds of grapefruit (source of bioflavonoids) are an important source of vitamins A, In and With and also have antioxidant properties. They are important elements for health of an organism: for immune protection and a cardiovascular system, for prevention of cancer diseases and for production of collagen. Bez of a glyutenanasha recipes do not contain gluten: they do not contain wheat, a rye, corn or any other derivatives of these products that allows to reduce risk of food allergy. EPA DHARybiy the fat rich with irreplaceable fatty acids the omega-3 and 6, strengthens the immune system and improves work of a cardiovascular system, helps to reduce risk of an allergy, to increase quality of wool and to improve the general health. Prevention sustavovglyukozamin and chondroitin can have the anti-inflammatory and anesthetizing effect. They promote prevention of processes of destruction of a cartilage and stimulating regeneration of new fabric. The marjoram has the anti-inflammatory and anesthetizing effect. RisNet of nothing is better than some rice for ideal digestion. Many products leave behind metabolic waste (some, such as purines, are toxic) and the organism needs to bring them at the expense of additional load of a liver and kidneys. Unlike other products, rice does not contain purines and consequently it is much easier acquired. date editing description: 16.12.2020
Bon Appetit Adult Dog Light Chicken & Rice Hypoallergenic Gluten Free Lightweight Dog Food with Chicken & Rice
- Product Code: MX23437
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