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  • AVZ Bars Ear drops for dogs and cats

AVZ Leopard of the Drop Dosage form and packing, ear for dogs and cats: Preparat represents transparent liquid of light brown color. Package in bottles on 20 ml Pharmacological (biological) properties and effects: The diazinon which is a part of medicine is fosfororganichesky connection of enterocontact action, has the expressed acaricide activity concerning larval and mature phases of development of the ticks parasitizing on dogs and cats including the activator of an otodektoz of dogs and cats - Otodectes cynotis. Prednisolonum - a synthetic glucocorticosteroid, possesses anti-inflammatory and antiallergic action, stabilizes permeability of cellular membranes, interferes with development of mediators of inflammation, has protivozudny and antiedematous effect. Pokazaniya to application: Treatment and prevention of an otodekoz (ear itch) and inflammations of an external ear of dogs and cats. Order of application and dosage: Before processing to clean auricles and acoustical pass from pollution with the tampon moistened with medicine then in each ear to dig 3 - 5 drops and to slightly massage the basis of auricles (ear drops it is obligatory to enter into both ears, even in case of defeat otodekozy only one). With the medical purpose to carry out processing at an interval of 5 - 7 days twice. If necessary to repeat a course of treatment. With the preventive purpose to carry out processing once in 2 - 3 months. Protivopokazaniya to application: The increased individual sensitivity to the components which are a part of medicine. Use of medicine is forbidden to animals at an eardrum perforation. Side effects: In the recommended doses Storage conditions are not observed: Preparat it is necessary to store in the closed packing of the producer, separately from food and forages, in protected from direct sunshine, the place, inaccessible for children, at a temperature from 0 °C to 25 °C. Special instructions Special precautionary measures are not provided. date editing description: 14.09.2020

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AVZ Bars Ear drops for dogs and cats

  • Product Code: MX24095
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
    Number Of Products : 79137
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  • $41.00

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