Название документа

Arterium Envayr Antigelmintik for dogs the Anthelminthic medicine Arterium Envayr is intended for expulsion of helminths of dogs at nematodes, tsestoda, askaridoza, trikhuroza, etc. It is issued in the form of tablets of various shades of yellow color with a specific smell. Active ingredients are a part of medicine: febantet, pyranbodies and Kak prazikvantet anthelminthic means Envayr for dogs works: Interaction of a febantel and a pyranbody strengthens impact of medicine on roundworms – nematodes. The first substance causes violation of power exchange in parasites, and they perish for couple of days. The second causes spastic paralysis in worms then they are brought out of an organism by the peristaltic movements of intestines Praziquantel is effective against tape-worms – tsestod, at different stages of their parasitizing in a small intestine of an animal the Processing of dogs from helminths is carried out without fail quarterly, before knitting and vaccination. The special attention is required by expulsion of helminths of puppies as infection with worms can lead to serious problems with health and even to a lethal outcome of Dl of treatment Arterium anthelmintic Envayr is used according to purpose of the veterinarian, taking into account the carried-out surveys, analyses and the general state of health of a dog. Prevention of helminths is carried out once a quarter. Observance of a dosage of medicine and rules of processing is reduced by risk of emergence of side effects of Opisaniye and a form of release: Tabletki from light yellow till dark yellow color, with a smooth surface with impregnations, ploskotsilindrichesky with a facet and risky, with a specific smell. On a surface of tablets the marbling is allowed. On 10 tablets in the blister, on 1 blister in a pack Pharmacological properties: ATCvet QP52A, npotinematodni and protitsestodn veterinary medicines (QP52AA51 prazikvantet, combinations). Envayr for dogs - anthelmintic, contains active ingredients: febantet, pyranbodies embonat, prazikvantet. The wide range anthelminthic actions on round and tape relminty is based on pharmacological action of components of medicine. A combination of active ingredients of a pyranbody also febantet, being a part of medicine, has synergy action against nematodes (toksokar, toksaskarid ankilostomatid, a vlasoglava) at dogs: Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala na Trichuris vulpis. Praziquantel is active against tsestod at dogs: Dipylidium caninum, Taenia pisiformis. Taenia hydatigena, Taenia multiceps, Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis. Praziquantel acts on preimaginalny from imaginal stages of development of tape helminths in thin department of intestines of dogs Pharmacokinetic properties: Febantel blocks power metabolism of round helminths that leads to violation of power exchange and causes death for 2-3 days. Pyranbodies pamoat influences holinergichesky receptors of nematodes (round helminths) that leads to irreversible spastic paralysis of parasites. Nematodes are brought out of an organism of animals outside by the peristaltic movements of intestines. Praziquantel is quickly soaked up through a thin cover (tegument) of tape helminths. Increases permeability of membranes for calcium ions, causes increase in muscular activity which changes reduction of muscles and spastic paralysis, causes destruction a tegument imaginal tsestod. In certain cases tape helminths under the influence of a prazikvantel completely are digested and are not found in excrements Application: Prevention and treatment of puppies and adult dogs at defeat round and tape helminths. Round helminths: Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina (adults and larvae), Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala, Trichuris vulpis (adult). Tape helminths: Dipylidium caninum, Taenia pisiformis, Taenia hydatigena, Taenia multiceps, Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus multilocularis of Dl of application in veterinary medicine! Orally, the tablet can be hidden in a stern or to directly give to a dog. Observance of a hungry diet is not required. Recommend to apply a tablet before reception of a forage treatment Duration: Once. If necessary to repeat in two weeks. Protivopokazaniya is recommended to carry out preventive expulsion of helminths 1 quarterly, individually: To apply Ne along with piperazin Cannot apply the weakened sick animals, an animal with diseases of a liver of Ne to apply to pregnant females in the first two thirds of the period of pregnancy Caution: At considerable overdose, clinical signs of overdose are observed: the loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, an ataxy, reduction of quantity of erythrocytes, neutrophils and platelets in Sleduyets blood to adhere to the recommended doses to carry out Expulsion of helminths of dogs from 1-month age Storage conditions: To store in original packing, separately from foodstuff and forages at a temperature of 5-25 °C. To store in the place, inaccessible for children and animals. An expiration date - 4 godadat editing the description: 02.09.2020

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Arterium Envair Anthelmintic for dogs

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