Название документа

Dia Dog & Kets Arterium Preparat at dogs and cats Preparat quickly stops diarrhea from diarrhea. Within 2 days saves from unpleasant symptoms of diarrhea, improves the general condition of an animal. Diareya at animals brings inconveniences to the owner as is followed by a liquid chair! Diareya has many causes. Frequent - violation in feeding of animals: poisoning transition with one stern to another consumption of unsuitable food from the earth or from a garbage can the use of the spoiled and stale products intolerance of separate foodstuff of Sostav: vegetable offal, sugar, meat offal, mineral substances, milk and dairy products, fish and fish offal, eggs and egg products. Analytical structure Quantity Crude protein of 22.3% of Oil and fats of 4.4% Ashes of 12.2% Cellulose of 7.2% Ashes insoluble Natry in HCI of 6.6% of 1.2% of Kaly of 0.6% Excipients on 1/kg Bentonit-montmorilonit of 40.000 mg Doza and ways of introduction by an animal of different age: Dogs mix the Tablet with a forage or set to an animal directly in a dose (on 1 animal): - up to 10 kg weighing 1 2 tablets two times a day - up to 20 kg on 1 tablet two times a day - more than 20 kg on 1 tablet three times a day. Cats mix the Tablet with a forage, set to an animal directly or crush or dissolve in water and give forcibly by means of the syringe in a dose (on 1 animal) - up to 3 kg on 1 2 tablets of 1 times a day - over 3 kg on 1 tablet of 1 times a day the course of intake of feed additive the animal can drink water at any time. The recommended course of treatment of 5 days or according to the recommendations of the doctor of veterinary medicine. Esli of recovery does not come in 2 days, consultation with the doctor of veterinary medicine is necessary. Producer: Supplexan GmbH., Germany Product code: 008515 - Arterium Dia Dog & Ket Priparat from diarrhea at dogs and cats (5 gr) date editing the description: 08.05.2019

Reviews Arterium Dia Dog & Ket Remedy for diarrhea in dogs and cats

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Arterium Dia Dog & Ket Remedy for diarrhea in dogs and cats

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