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Apoquel Preparat for removal of an itch at dogs Selective inhibitor of enzyme of a yanus-kinase (JAK). Action at the level of a cage. Ne has system effect on an organism. Removes the naggers on average in 4 hours after introduction. Prevents development of symptoms – the nagger and inflammations. Removes the existing symptoms. To carry out by Mozhno therapy oklatsitiniby in parallel with performing diagnosis of the dermatological diseases which are followed by an itch. It is well transferred by animals. To apply Mozhno it is long. Sovmestim with the majority of medicines. To appoint Mozhno together with antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal means, NPVS. It is appointed at an allergy of any etiology. Podhodit for knocking over of sharp and chronic states. Pharmacological Apokvel properties treats medicines of group of selective inhibitors of a yanus-kinase (JAK). The Oklatsitiniba the maleate which is a part of medicine in a therapeutic dose oppresses functions of the pro-inflammatory, pro-allergic and pruritogenny (zudogenny) cytokines dependent on enzymatic activity of a yanus-kinase of JAK1 or JAK3, purposeful impact on which allows to inhibit the key origins of the itch associated with an allergy and promotes elimination of symptoms of local inflammation. On the cytokines participating in blood formation and dependent on JAK2, medicine significantly does not influence. After oral introduction of medicine of an oklatsitinib the maleate is quickly soaked up in digestive tract (the bioavailability is 89%), comes to a system blood-groove, reaching the maximum concentration in plasma less than in 1 hour, gets into most bodies and fabrics, is practically not metabolized, brought out of an organism in not changed form, mainly with urine, elimination half-life makes 3–4 hours. The order of use of the medicine Apokvel is applied to dogs orally individually from a hand or in mix with a forage. Sleduyet to be convinced that the dog completely swallowed a necessary dose of medicine. Reception of a forage does not affect bioavailability of an oklatsitinib. Single dose: 0.4-0.6 mg of an oklatsitinib on 1 kg of body weight of an animal two times a day within 14 days. From 15 in the afternoon as the supporting therapy at atopic dermatitis – once a day in the same dose. Sleduyet to avoid admissions when using the next dose of medicine as it can lead to decrease in efficiency. In case of the admission of the next dose, Apokvels application is resumed according to the present instruction. The scheme and duration of a course of use of medicine depend on an etiology and pathogenesis of dermatitis and a clinical state. At combined use of Apokvel with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic medicines of pharmacological interaction it is not revealed. Ne should be applied Apokvel together with immunodepressants and anticonvulsant medicines. A contraindication to Apokvels application is the individual intolerance an animal of his components. Ne is allowed use of medicine to dogs with signs of immunosuppression, such as giperadrenokortitsizm and also to dogs, with the progressing malignant new growths. Ne should apply medicine to dogs during knitting, to dogs is younger than 12-month age and/or to with the body weight less than 3 kg and also shchenny and feeding boughs. Storage conditions: Preparat store in the closed packing of the producer, in the place not available to children protected from direct sunshine; separately from food and forages at a temperature from 2 °C to 25 °C. A medicine expiration date at observance of storage conditions - 2 years from the date of production. Unused halves store no more than 3 days. Apokvel after expiry date is forbidden to apply. Before application surely consult with the veterinarian!!! date editing description: 22.10.2021

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Apoquel (Apoquel) The drug for relieving itching in dogs

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