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Apicenna Prazitsid Suspenziya Plus Antigelmintik for puppies of average and large breeds the Dosage form: Suspenziya for oral application. Represents suspension of light yellow color, at storage the suspension stratification disappearing at agitation is allowed. The syringe batcher, packed into cardboard boxes is issued in transparent plastic bottles with the screwing-up cover with opening control +. Pharmacological properties: The combination prazikvantet, the febantela and the pyranbodies of the pamoat which are a part of medicine provides a wide range of its anthelminthic action on gastrointestinal nematodes (Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati, Toxocara mistax, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Trichuris vulpis, Ancylostoma caninum) and tsestod (Echinococcus granulosus, Alveococcus multilocularis, Mesocestoides lineatus, Dipylidium caninum, Diphyllobotrium latum, Multiceps multiceps), parasitizing at dogs and cats. Pyranbodies pamoat - connection of group of pyrimidines, the mechanism of its action it is based on blockade of transfer of nervous impulses in neuromuscular synapses by depolarization of membranes of muscle cells that causes paralysis of a muscular system of nematodes; pyranbodies it is badly soaked up that provides its prolonged action on helminths in intestines; it is brought out of an organism generally in not changed view (93%) with excrements. Praziquantel - connection of group of pyrazinisoquinolines, is active concerning gastrointestinal tsestod on all phases of development. Increasing permeability of cellular membranes of a parasite for ions of calcium (Ca2+), causes depolarization of membranes, reduction of muscles and destruction of the tegument that leads to death of helminths and promotes their removal from an animal organism. Connection is quickly soaked up in digestive tract, reaching the maximum concentration in blood plasma in 1 – 3 hour, reversibly contacts proteins of serum of blood (70 – 80%), is partially metabolized in a liver, reekskretirutsya in intestines, is brought out of an organism generally with urine (up to 80%) within 24 hours. Febantel - treats the pro-benzimidazoles which are biotransformed in an organism to benzimidazoles. The mechanism of action of a febantel is based on fumaratereductase enzyme inhibition in mitochondrions of helminths therefore digestion of glucose and synthesis of protein of a tubulin is broken that leads to destruction of the mikrotubulyarny device of cages of a parasite, causing his death. Febantel is soaked up in intestines, metabolized in a liver and allocated with bile in an intestines gleam where its repeated resorption is partially noted, is brought from an organism both in not changed form, and in the form of several metabolites with excrements and urine. Prazitsid-suspenziya Plus on extent of impact on an organism treats substances low-dangerous (the 4th hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76), in the recommended doses has no embriotoksichesky, teratogenny and sensibilizing effect, is well transferred by dogs and cats of different breeds and age. Appointment: Preparat appoint to adult dogs with the preventive and medical purpose at the diseases caused by round and tape helminths: nematodoza (toksokaroz, toksaskaridoz, untsinarioz, ankilostomoz) and tsestodoza (teniidoza, dipilidioz, echinococcosis, difillobotrioz, mezotsestoidoz). Biological properties: The mechanism of action of the active components which are a part Prazitsid of suspension (prazikvantet, pyranbodies pamoat) is based on selective influence on a metabolism and neuromuscular activity of parasites. Such selective effect and optimum picked up composition of active ingredients provide low toxicity of medicine for pets. Protivopokazaniya: A contraindication to application is the individual intolerance of components of medicine (including in the anamnesis). Prazitsid-suspenziyu Plus should not be applied exhausted, sick with infectious diseases and to the recovering animals, females in the first half of pregnancy, to puppies and kittens is younger than 3 weeks age. Attention! Helminthoses are the real problem not only owing to their extraordinary raspostranennost, but also because of serious health hazard of the person which is born by these diseases. Some helminthoses, such as toksakoroz, echinococcosis, are deadly not only to animals, but also for the person - migrating on all organism, larvae of helminths can get into vitals and fabrics, breaking their normal functioning and causing pathologies. In special risk group - children who communicate with pets more closely their organism is very susceptible therefore the probability of infection with helminths at them is much higher, than at adults. Remember that it is necessary to take measures against worms quarterly - 1 time in 3 months. date editing description: 14.12.2020

Reviews Apicenna Prazicid Suspension Plus Anthelmintic for puppies of medium and large breeds

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Apicenna Prazicid Suspension Plus Anthelmintic for puppies of medium and large breeds

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  • $51.25

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