Название документа
VetLine shampoo destroys fleas and ticks, and also their larvae. Provides the sparing care and purification of hair of animal. It is especially recommended to application before putting on of a collar from parasites and before processing by drops of your pet.

Prevention and treatment of cats and dogs at the ektoparazitarny diseases caused by pincers (Ixodidae), fleas (Stenocephalides) and louses.

Outwardly. Apply a small amount of shampoo on wet hair of an animal (at the rate of 0.5-1 ml on 1 kg of m of t.), distributing it on all surface of a body, slightly rubbing in skin, maintain up to 5 minutes and well wash away warm water. Repeated processings carry out according to indications.

1 ml of medicine contains:

  • active ingredient propoksur - 1.5 mg;
  • excipients: extract of a dalmatsky camomile, solution of mix of surfactants.

ticks who Died after processing is deleted mechanically.

In original packing, in the place, inaccessible for children and animals, at a temperature not above 25 °C. to Store
separately from foodstuff and forages.
Expiration date - 5 years.
Date of production is specified on packing.

Pharmacological properties:

  • ATCvet classification QP53 code - ektoparazititsida, insecticides repellents;
  • Ektoparazititsidas
  • for local application, including insecticides;
  • Carbamates;
  • QP53AE02 Propoksur.
Active ingredient of medicine works with

on ektoparazit as contact poison, causing toxic accumulation of neurohormones of acetylcholine on the holinergichesky nervous terminations owing to what there occurs death of ektoparazit (fleas, pincers, louses, etc.).
Shampoo belongs to low-toxic medicines for mammals.


  • Hypersensibility to medicine components.
  • not to apply
  • kittens and puppies to 3-month age.
  • not to apply
  • sick and weakened animal, an animal with injury of skin.
  • not to apply
  • productive animal.
  • not to apply
  • females in the period of a lactation and in recent months pregnancy.

When processing by medicine avoid hit of medicine in eyes and a nose of an animal!
Habitat of animals, laying, rugs and other conditioning agents for animals need to be processed periodically the corresponding insecticides.
Animals, contained together, recommend to process at the same time. Processing of animals should be carried out on air or in well ventilated rooms.
During the work with shampoo it is necessary to use rubber gloves. After work with hand medicine carefully wash, and the room in which processed animals, well air.
People with hypersensibility to a propoksur have to avoid contact with medicine.
For application in veterinary medicine!

Packing: 250 ml
Producer : AnimAll VetLine, AnimAll International GmbH (the country of registration of a brand - Germany, the country of placement of production capacities - Ukraine)

Species of an animalDogs
CatsFormShampooProtection fromFleas
Larvae of fleasBasic operating with the Eastern Military DistrictPropoksurSpecies of parasitesExternal parasitesapplication TypeFor external applicationApplication is authorized to the Louse
of 3 monthsAge of an animalAdult animals
growth Period (till 1 year)
Age of an animal Adult animals growth Period (till 1 year)
Protection from Vlasoyeda Vsha's fleas Pincers of the Larva of fleas
Release form Shampoo
Species of an animal Dogs of the Cat
Species of parasites External parasites
The basic operating with the Eastern Military District Propoksur
Use is authorized of 3 months

Reviews AnimAll VetLine (EnimAll VetLayn) Shampoo antiparasitic for cats and dogs

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AnimAll VetLine (EnimAll VetLayn) Shampoo antiparasitic for cats and dogs

  • Product Code: E-ZOO-103494
  • Registration Date : 11/09/2024
    Number Of Products : 25547
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  • $19.29

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