Название документа
  • AnimAll VetLine (EnimAll VetLayn) PAC CAT PRO - The balanced vitamin complex for enrichment of a diet of the castrated cats and cats

The castrated cats and cats especially need the correct balanced ration. The vitamin AnimAll VetLine PAC CAT PRO complex is intended for daily vitamin fortification by minerals and minerals of a diet of such animals. Besides, the product supports normal a metabolism in kidneys and stabilizes level рН urine of cats and cats. It is important as well that factor that, using this complex, you care for health of bacterial microflora of an organism of animals and maintain their health in general.

of Advantage:

  • is Supported by water and electrolytic balance of the castrated cats and cats within norm
  • Raises the immune system
  • Constrains development of infections of an urinogenital path
  • Contains is well-cared chloride thanks to what it regulates synthesis of proteins in a liver

of the Indication: prevention and correction of violations рН urine. In complex therapy of an urolitiaz at cats and cats.

Warehouse: pro-anthocyanidins (PAC is extract of grape seeds, cranberry extract), methionine, chloride, a vitamin-mineral complex, extract of a sporysh, a complex of probiotics is well-cared (Bifidobacterium bifidum, Enterococcus faccium).

Structure of one tablet (0.5 g):


  • pro-anthocyanidin (PAC) - 10 mg;
  • methionine - 0.185 mg.


chloride - 4 mg is well-cared
  • ;
  • ME vitamin A - 80;
  • vitamin E - 0.0002 mg;
  • B2 vitamin - 50 mkg;
  • B9 vitamin - 5 mkg;


  • iron - 20 mkg;
  • zinc - 700 mkg.
  • copper - 60 mkg;
  • manganese - 60 mkg;
  • iodine - 6 mkg.

the Pro-biotic complex - 0.0025 g
don't contain synthetic flavoring impurity and amplifiers of taste!

of the Recommendation about application:
1 tablet (0.5 g) on 4 kg of body weight once a day. The recommended course of application of 60 days, a break of 30 days, then still a course of 60 days.

of the Recommendation about storage:
Expiration date: 18 months;
Storage: store in the dry dark place at a temperature from 0 °C to 25 °C.

Packing: 100 tablets on 0.5 g
the Producer: AnimAll VetLine, AnimAll International GmbH (the country of registration of a brand - Germany, the country of placement of production capacities - Ukraine)

Age of a cat Adult cat Aging cat
Purpose of a vitamin complex Multivitamin Obesity complex / excess weight of the Disease of kidneys of the Disease of an urinogenital system
Release form Tablets
Species of an animal Cats

Reviews AnimAll VetLine (EnimAll VetLayn) PAC CAT PRO - The balanced vitamin complex for enrichment of a diet of the castrated cats and cats

5 Rating 1 Reviews


AnimAll VetLine (EnimAll VetLayn) PAC CAT PRO - The balanced vitamin complex for enrichment of a diet of the castrated cats and cats

  • Product Code: 135847
  • In Stock

  • Ready to ship
  • $19.06

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Tags: Health and treatment of cats and cats, Vitamins for cats and cats,

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