Название документа

AnimAll Shampoo fur Yorkshire of Shampun for dogs of breed the Yorkshire terrier the Yorkshire terrier - a nice dog with strong character the Thin wool reminding hair of the person on structure, and sensitive skin need special protection. Extremely thin and long (up to 37 cm), the hair of a Yorkshire terrier falling on each side constantly grows. Amazingly brilliant and soft, this wool on structure is similar to human hair, has no underfur and does not fade. Shampun for dogs of breed the Yorkshire terrier. Destroys and deodorizes also other persistent organic smells of Sposobstvuyet to moistening of hair of dogs, reduction of a molt, softly purifies wool and adds healthy gloss. Interferes with dryness of skin. After washing there is for a long time a fresh smell. The gentle formula of shampoo softly purifies leather and puppy hair, does not irritate mucous. Sostav: 5-15% of anionische Tenside <5% of nichtionische TensideKonservierungsmittel, Duft-undFarbstoffe Instruction for application: Before application it is desirable to comb hair of a dog to Wet wool, avoiding hit in eyes of an animal to Apply a small amount of shampoo on hands and massage movements carefully to distribute on a body, since the head and further on a trunk to extremities, to leave shampoo for 2-3 min. Carefully to wash away water Producer: Animall International Gmbh, Germany to Store in the dry place, inaccessible for children and animals, separately from foodstuff and forages at a temperature from 5 to 25 °C the Product code: 978523 - AnimAll Shampoo fur Yorkshire of Shampun for dogs of breed the Yorkshire terrier (250 ml) date editing the description: 15.09.2016

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AnimAll Shampoo fur Yorkshire Shampoo for Yorkshire Terrier dogs

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