Название документа
Wood filler of toilets AnimAll is made of wood of the European fir-tree which has light wood that causes a nice light view of granules with noble brown streaks. Thanks to essential oils with which wood of the European fir-tree is rich the granules of AnimAll have antimicrobial effect that allows to preserve your house in purity and it is fine to fight against an unpleasant odor.

of the Granule make by pressing of wood shaving. At hit of moisture of a granule break up and effectively absorb moisture, at the same time the pleasant fir-tree aroma is distinguished.

Usability of wood AnimAll filler is that it can be thrown out in a toilet bowl (it doesn't hammer sewer pipes) or to use as fertilizer for plants.

needs to be noted that wood granules of AnimAll are made of natural material therefore don't contain mineral dust which is so dangerous to airways not only animals, but also people. Granules of AnimAll aren't toxic and don't cause allergic reactions on skin in pets. Even if your favourite will unintentionally swallow several granules, it absolutely won't affect his health in any way. Wood granules of AnimAll — are absolutely harmless and safe.

of the Instruction for application as a cat's toilet:
Bird species Parrots of the Canary of Amadina Wild birds Other bird species
Category of goods Fillers for cat's toilets
Feature of filler Control of a smell Antibacterial
Filler type Absorbing
Smell Without aroma
Species of an animal Cats of the Bird
Type of filler Wood

Reviews AnimAll (EnimAll) Expert Choice Universal Litter - The universal wood filler absorbing

5 Rating 1 Reviews


AnimAll (EnimAll) Expert Choice Universal Litter - The universal wood filler absorbing

  • Product Code: 135689
  • In Stock

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  • $16.93

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Tags: Hygiene of the house for cats and cats, Fillers for cat's toilets,

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