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Anandin Ear drops for dogs and cats the Dosage form and packing: drops ear (solution for aurikulyarny application). On appearance medicine represents transparent liquid of light-yellowish color. Release packaged on 5 and 10 ml in plastic bottles droppers which are packed by the piece into cardboard korbk. Pharmacological properties: Drops ear Anandin belong to acaricide medicines for aurikulyarny application. A part of medicine the active components provide to Vkhodyashchiye acaricide, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action. Gramicidin — an antibiotic for local application. Possesses bakteriostatichesky action, it is active concerning streptococci, stafilokokk, causative agents of anaerobic infections and some other, mainly gram-positive, microorganisms. In high concentrations has bactericidal effect, increases permeability of a membrane of a microbic cage that breaks its stability and causes death. It is soaked up by mucous membranes slightly that provides its local antimicrobial action. Glyukaminopropilkarbakridon (anandin) treats group of synthetic low-molecular inductors of cytokines, has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity, promotes decrease in inflammatory processes, healing of the damaged fabrics, reduces the naggers. Drops ear Anandin plus on extent of impact on an organism belong to moderately dangerous substances (the 3rd hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007-76). At application to dogs and cats in the recommended doses, do not possess the local irritative, resorptive and toxic and sensibilizing action. Are toxic for bees and also fishes and other hydrobionts. Sostav on 1 ml: Glyukaminopropilkarbakridon (anandin) - 20 mg; Gramicidin - 0.05 mg; Excipients: castor oil, isopropanol and water purified. Pokazaniya to application: Apply to treatment of an acute and chronic inflammation of external acoustical pass (external otitis) of a bacterial etiology at dogs and cats. Dosage and method of application: Preparat apply to dogs and cats by entering into external acoustical pass of an ear, burying 2-4 drops preparatadva-three times a day. Treatment is carried out within 4-7 days to clinical recovery of an animal. If necessary. the course of treatment is repeated. Before application medicine in order to avoid contact of cold solution with an auricle of an animal, a bottle it is recommended to warm in palms. Side effects: By-effects and complications at application of Drops ear Anandin plus according to the present instruction, as a rule, is not observed. At the increased individual sensitivity to components of medicine and emergence of allergic reactions (skin itch, the raised salivation) application of Drops ear Anandin is stopped and if necessary appoint to an animal antihistaminic medicines. Symptoms of overdose of medicine at dogs and cats are not revealed. Protivopokazaniya: The increased individual sensitivity of an animal to medicine components (including in the anamnesis). Use of medicine at perforation of an eardrum is forbidden. Special indications and measures of personal prevention: Features of effect of medicine at its first application and cancellation it is not established. Application of Drops ear Anandin does not exclude use of other medicines of pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy. Drops ear Anandin are not intended for application to productive animals. Measures of personal prevention During the work with Drops ear Anandin it is necessary to follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety measures provided during the work with medicines. Processing of animals should be carried out in rubber gloves. In operating time with medicine it is not allowed to smoke, drink and eat food. Upon termination of work it is necessary to wash up carefully hands warm water with soap, to wash up and dry gloves. People with hypersensitivity to components of medicine should avoid direct contact with Drops ear Anandin. At accidental hit of medicine on skin it needs to be washed away immediately water with soap, at hit in eyes - to wash them within several minutes with flowing water. In case of allergic reactions or at accidental hit of medicine in a human body it is necessary to address to medical institution (at itself to have the instruction for use of medicine or the label) immediately. It is forbidden to use empty bottles from under medicine for the household purposes. They are placed in a plastic bag and utilized with household waste. Storage conditions: Preparat it is necessary to store in the closed packing of the producer, separately from food and forages, in dry protected from direct sunshine, the place, inaccessible for children, at a temperature from 0 °C to 25 °C. An expiration date at observance of storage conditions in the closed packing - 2 years from the date of production, after opening of a bottle - 30 days. Use of medicine after an expiration date is forbidden. Producer: LLC NIO Mediter, Russia Product code: 920013 - Anandin Ear drops for dogs and cats (5 ml) date editing the description: 28.07.2021

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Anandin Ear drops for dogs and cats

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