Название документа

Pharmacological properties

Evkazolin Akwa belongs to non-selective α-adrenomimetika. when drawing has antiedematous effect on a mucous membrane of a nose, reduces hyperaemia and exudation that promotes simplification of nasal breath, reduction of a blood-groove in venous sine.

Drug has mainly local effect, is soaked up through a mucous membrane at usual application in insignificant quantity. Effect of medicine begins in 5–10 min. and


Symptomatic treatment of congestion of a nose at a SARS, hay fever, allergic rhinitises, sinusitis continues during 5–6 h


For simplification of outflow of a secret at diseases of adnexal bosoms of a nose.

Auxiliary therapy of average otitis (for reduction of hypostasis of a mucous membrane of a nasal cavity).

At diagnostic interventions (rinoskopiya).


For topical administration. just before application it is necessary to take a bottle with medicine in a palm to heat it to body temperature.

to Adults and children 10 years are aged more senior than

— on 1 injection in each nasal course 3–4 times a day.

Course of treatment depends on a course of the disease and should not exceed 10 days in a row.

can appoint medicine by

After the termination of a course of treatment only in several days and again after consultation with the doctor. Treatment duration at children is defined individually.


Hypersensitivity to any of medicine components, sharp coronary diseases, coronary asthma, a hyperthyroidism, closed-angle glaucoma, transsphenoidal hypophysectomy or existence in the anamnesis transnazalnykh / transoral surgical interventions with exposure of a firm meninx. the accompanying treatment by Mao's inhibitors and for 2 weeks after the termination of their application.

Side effects

Are possible

by-effects: burning in a nose or a throat, pricking, dryness in a nose, sneezing, nausea, short wind, a Quincke's disease. in isolated cases system allergic reactions are possible. at long use or frequent use of high concentrations, manifestations of resorptive effect in the form of dizziness, a headache, insomnias, vomitings, increases hell, heart consciousness, violations of a warm rhythm, a short-term disorder of vision can be noted a rhinedema. at especially long use of medicine in high doses the depression can develop.

Special instructions

Drug should not be used continuously throughout the long period (more than 10 days in a row) at chronic rhinitis. long therapy by medicine can result in opposite effect. it is not necessary to exceed the recommended medicine dose, especially at treatment of children and patients of advanced age.

should appoint Drug by

with care to patients who at use of adrenergic medicines have heavy side reactions which are shown in the form of insomnia, dizziness, a tremor, cardiac arrhythmia, increase in the ABP.

Should appoint by

with care medicine to patients with cardiovascular diseases, AG, sick diabetes, with diseases of a thyroid gland, with the complicated urination.

Due to the vasoconstrictive effect of medicine the increase in intraocular pressure is possible


Each packing of drops or spray only one person has to use

to avoid infection.

Period of pregnancy and feeding by a breast: not to use medicament during pregnancy.

Does not know to

whether xylomethazolinum gets into breast milk therefore the women nursing can use medicament only when, according to the doctor, the expected advantage for mother exceeds potential risk for the child.

Children. Akwa Evkazolin apply at children aged 10 years are more senior.

Ability to influence speed of response at control of vehicles or work with other mechanisms. Drug does not affect ability to steer vehicles and difficult mechanisms at application in the recommended doses, but it is necessary to consider the probability of developing of a temporary disorder of vision.


Evkazolin Akwa interacts with other medicines only with resorptive effect. medicines-adrenomimetiki of other groups strengthen action of an evkazolin Akwa. adrenolytic medicaments and sympatholytics, antagonists of calcium ions reduce its effect.

Combined introduction of MAO inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants can lead

to increase in the ABP owing to influence of these medicines on a cardiovascular system.



At too frequent use of medicine in the increased concentration overdose symptoms in the form of a headache, dryness in a nose, nausea, depressions, increases hell, a short-term disorder of vision can be shown. it is necessary to stop use of medicine and to accept medicines antagonists (sympatholytics and blockers of α-adrenoceptors (phentolamine, Tropaphenum)), to carry out symptomatic therapy.

If medicine accidentally was drunk, it is necessary to wash out a stomach, to accept depletive and enterosorbents. Treatment is shown by blockers of α-adrenoceptors; symptomatic therapy.

Storage conditions

B the place protected from light at a temperature not above 25 °C.

Active ingredients Xylomethazolinum
Amount of active ingredient 1 mg/ml
Applicant Pharmak
Code of automatic telephone exchange R01AA07 Xylomethazolinum
Interaction with food It doesn't matter
Light sensitivity Sensitive
Market status The branded generic
Origin Chemical
Prescription status Without prescription
Primary packing bottle
Quantity in packing 10 ml
Release form nasal spray
Route of administration Nasal
Sign Domestic
Storage temperature from 5 °C to 25 °C
Trade name Evkazolin

Reviews Akwa Evkazolin nazat spray. 1mg/g fl. 10 ml

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Akwa Evkazolin nazat spray. 1mg/g fl. 10 ml

  • Product Code: 178657
  • In Stock

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  • $20.58

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