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Advocate (Адвокат®) of a drop for dogs weighing from 4 to 10 kg Simultaneous protection against external and internal parasites with the smallest load of an organism of an animal is possible if to process it the universal medicine Advocate. These are antiparasitic drops on withers for dogs of small breeds, weighing 4-10 kg. They effectively destroy fleas, louses, ear pincers, vlasoyed and also helminths, including hypodermic and warm dirofilyariya, eye, pulmonary and gastrointestinal nematodes. Preimushchestva of means from parasites the Lawyer: protects an animal from fleas for 4 weeks saves from an ear tick completely for 1-2 processings, stopping an itch and damages of integuments actively fights against many types of helminths does not cause a stress in a dog in processing, it is convenient for the owner when holding a procedure does not lose efficiency if the animal had a contact with water in intervals between processings the Medicine Advocate use as prophylactic from fleas and worms and as medical – at an otodektoza, a sarkoptoza, a demodekoza, a heyletioza, an angiostrongileza, a dirofilyarioza and allergic flea dermatitis. The last is carried out under control of the veterinarian, according to his recommendations and appointment. Pokazaniya to application: To dogs for treatment and prevention of adjacent parasitic invasions: treatment and prevention of infection with fleas (Ctenocephalidesfelis) treatment of infection with louses and vlasoyedam (Trichodectes canis) treatment of an otodektoz (Otodectescynotis) treatment of a sarkoptoz (Sarcoptesscabieivar. canis) treatment of a demodekoz (Demodexcanis) lechechny a heyletioz (Cheyletiellayasguri) treatment of an angiostrongilez (Angiostrongylus vasorum) treatment of a krenozomoz (Crenosoma vulpis) prevention of a dirofilyarioz (it is effective against larvae of L3 and L4 Dirofilariaimmitis) treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal nematodoz (larvae (L4), unripe and mature Toxocaracanis, Ancylostomacaninum and Uncinariastenocephala, an imago of Toxascarisleonina and Trichurisvulpis) medicine can be used at treatment of allergic flea dermatitis the Dosage and a method of application: The minimum therapeutic doses of 10 mg/kg of weight of an imidakloprid and 2.5 mg/kg of weight of a moksidektin that is equivalent to 0.1 ml of Advokata® on 1 kg of live weight for dogs. Single processing by medicine prevents treatment and prevention of infection with fleas infection with fleas for 4 weeks. At treatment of allergic flea dermatitis medicine it is necessary to perform monthly Treatment of an otodektoz single processing by medicine Is necessary. To remove not attached crusts from an external ear. To cause with Ne directly in an ear canal. Some animals demand additional treatment therefore consult with the veterinarian the doctor in 30 days after processing Treatment of a sarkoptoz (the itch caused by Sarcoptesscabieivar. canis) Treatment carry out twice with an interval of 4 weeks Treatment of a demodekoz (caused by Demodexcanis) Advokat® apply 2-4 times with an interval of 1 month. Treatment of associated diseases of Preduprezhdeniye of a dirofilyarioz of the Dog which live in zones unsuccessful on a dirofilyarioza is whenever possible necessary and also those which travel to such zones, invazirovana mature dirofilyariya of Dl of prevention of a dirofilyarioz medicine need to be applied monthly throughout the entire period of activity of mosquitoes. Preparat it is necessary to apply for a year or according to the following scheme: to begin application, at least, in 1 month prior to the beginning of activity of mosquitoes and to finish in 1-2 months after the end of the period of their activity Treatment of a krenozomoz (Crenosoma vulpis) One-time processing Treatment and prevention of nematodoz Monthly processing against a dirofilyarioz (as the preventive program) automatically reduces a possibility of a reinfestation nematodes, tsestoda, hookworms Or medicine is applied as seasonal processing against fleas and gastrointestinal nematodes of Dl of dogs to 25 kg: An animal process upright. Divide wool between shovels so that it was visible skin. Preparat apply to the uninjured skin. Place the narrow end of the pipette on skin, strong squeeze the pipette several times that to apply all contents of the pipette directly to Dls skin of dogs weighing over 25 kg: Dlya of convenience of processing a dog has to stand. Contents of the pipette need to be put in 3-4 points along a backbone: beginning between shovels and finishing at a tail root. At each drawing it is necessary to move apart a wool cover so that it was visible skin. Preparat whenever possible to apply to the uninjured skin. Place the narrow end of the pipette on skin and carefully squeeze the pipette so that a la carte to squeeze out pipette contents on skin. Ne squeeze out a large amount of medicine to one place as solution can flow down from the place of drawing down Preparat is allowed for use to the pregnant and lactating Protivopokazaniyas females: To use Ne to puppies to 7 week age. Treatment of the animals weighing less than 1 kg sick and weakened has to be done under supervision of the veterinarian Predosterezheniya: After processing of an animal to wash up hands. During treatment by medicine not to use other macro cyclic lactones an application Order: Only for external use. Remove one pipette from packing. You keep the pipette in vertical position, remove a cap. Turn a cap and dress on the pipette – thus having removed a protective foil from a pipette opening the Minimum therapeutic doses of 10 mg/kg of weight of an imidakloprid and 2.5 mg/kg of weight of a moksidektin that is equivalent to 0.1 ml of Advokata® on 1 kg of live weight for dogs animal Weight Razmer of the pipette Volume, (ml) Imidakloprid, (weight mg/kg) Moksidektin, (weight mg/kg) to 4 kg of Advokat® for little dogs of 0.4 at least 10 at least 2.5 4-10 kg of Advokat® for average dogs of 1.0 10-25 2,5-6,25 10-25 kg of Advokat® for big dogs of 2.5 10-25 2,5-6,25 25-40 kg of Advokat® for very big dogs 4.0 10-16 2,5-4> 40 kg the Corresponding combination of pipettes date editing the description: 24.09.2021

Reviews Advocate drops for dogs weighing from 4 to 10 kg

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Advocate drops for dogs weighing from 4 to 10 kg

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  • $61.25

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