Название документа

Advantix the weight of 40-60 kg the German drops of Advantix will reliably protect your large dog from ticks, vlasoyed, fleas, louses and other dangerous insects, and in case of defeat by them, will help the pet to recover quickly. Drops are effective at diseases which are transmitted through stings. They it is not soaked up in blood therefore are recommended for treatment of flea dermatitis. Single processing of an animal medicine in several places along a backbone provides protection within four weeks. During this period of Advantix it will be so effective to frighten off flies and mosquitoes. Characteristic of remedy – water resistance. After its application, the animal can be bathed. It is authorized to put to the lactating and pregnant dogs, puppies after the seventh week. Preparat is well had to therapeutic and even the overestimated doses. Protection against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, mosquitoes and flies for 1 month. Адвантикс® - effective protection against ticks: Strong repellent action - frightens off ixodic pincers from your dog and interferes with attack of a parasite on an animal within 4 weeks Thanks to contact action, instantly kills the ticks which got on an animal to Snizhayets sting risk of defeat of a dog with kroveparazitarny diseases of Advantiks® - an effective remedy against fleas: Destroys 98 - 100% of the fleas parasitizing on an animal within 12 hours after processing Protects from repeated attack within 30 days Kills fleas to a sting Destroys larvae of fleas in habitats animal It is effective against louses and vlasoyed of Advantiks® - an effective remedy against mosquitoes and mosquitoes: Frightens off mosquitoes and mosquitoes within 4 weeks after Snizhayets processing risk of a disease leyshmaniozy and dirofilyariozy Pharmacological properties: Imidakloprid and the permethrin which is a part of the medicine "Advantix", having sinergidny effect, have insecticidal, acaricide and repellent effect on insects and the ixodic pincers parasitizing on dogs. Preparat is effective against imaginal and preimaginalny phases of development of louses, fleas, vlasoyed and ixodic pincers, Protective effect of medicine after single processing of an animal provides protection of animals against attack of mosquitoes, midges and mosquitoes 4-6 weeks proceed. "Адвантикс" on extent of toxic impact on an organism treats moderately dangerous substances, in the recommended doses does not render the skin irritating, embriotoksichesky, teratogenny, mutagen and sensibilizing action. Preparat is well had by dogs in therapeutic and to 5 times its exceeding doses Application: Before use about a tube pipette remove a protective cap, puncture a protective membrane of a nose of the pipette (having put on a cap from a reverse side), having moved apart wool and pressing a tube pipette, apply medicine to skin in the place inaccessible for a slizyvaniye an animal (between shovels) When processing large dogs contents a tube pipettes apply to skin to three-four places on a back from shovels to a sacrum Protective effect of medicine against louses, fleas, vlasoyed, dipterous blood-sicking insects and also ixodic pincers after single processing of an animal 4-6 weeks proceed. Repeated processings of animals carry out according to indications, but not more often than 1 time a month In operating time with the medicine "Advantix" it is not allowed to smoke, drink and eat food. Upon termination of work it is necessary to wash up carefully hands warm water with soap. Ne should wash, iron and admit an animal to small children within 24 hours after processing by medicine At accidental hit of medicine on skin or in eyes it should be washed away immediately a water jet, at hit inside - to see a medical doctor Pustye the tube pipette from under medicine is forbidden to be used for the household purposes, they are closed caps and thrown out in trash bins Depending on the mass of an animal use "Advantix" of various packing, in the doses specified in the table: The weight of a dog the Name of the medicine Doza of Medicine up to 4 kg of "Advantix" for dogs weighing up to 4 kg of 0.4 ml from 4 to 10 kg of "Advantix" for dogs weighing from 4 to 10 kg of 1.0 ml from 10 to 25 kg of "Advantix" for dogs weighing from 10 to 25 kg of 2.5 ml from 25 to 40 kg of "Advantix" for dogs weighing from 25 to 40 kg of 4.0 ml from 40 to 60 kg of "Advantix" for dogs weighing from 40 to 60 kg of 6.0 ml of Protivopokazaniya: No. Preparat is well had by dogs in a therapeutic dose and in a dose which exceeds it by 5 times. Ne is allowed to apply "Advantix" the patient with infectious diseases and the recovering animal and also to puppies is younger than 7-week age. To apply Ne to cats!!! By-effects and complications at use of medicine according to the real temporary manual, as a rule, are not observed. In rare instances after use of medicine individual reactions of skin (reddening, an itch) which spontaneously take place within 1-4 days are possible and do not demand use of medicines In view of possible pollution by the medicine Advantix of fabrics, plastic and other materials, it is not necessary to allow contact of the processed animal with the objects surrounding it before full drying of medicine on the place of processing date editing the description: 20.09.2021

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Advantix (Advantiks) weight 40-60 kg

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  • $58.75

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