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Acana Singles Free-Run Duck Dry dog food of all breeds and age Animals with sensitive digestion and food allergy need a special food allowance. It consists in limited quantity of components in a diet and a protein, only, and it is desirable dietary. The forage of Acana Singles Free-Run Duck for dogs at all stages of their development and growth conforms to all these requirements. Osobennosti of Singls Acana forage: Primary use in production of fresh and natural ingredients the Only source of a protein – the duck used in a stern as "production entirely" - meat, cartilages and internals. It allows to provide an animal organism with all necessary natural useful substances as soluble cellulose, for establishing sensitive digestion, fresh muscat and table pumpkin and also pears the Lowered content of carbohydrates which are mainly low-glycemic, but not fast are used, for prevention of development of diabetes and excess weight at dogs the Sublimated liver – as natural fragrance for involvement of the choosiest and selective pets in food the Hypoallergenic high-quality Acana Singles dog food with a duck is the best biologically corresponding diet for the pets having sensitive digestion or inclined to food allergies. This qualitative and balanced food of an animal throughout all his life. Biologicheski the Corresponding forages on the basis of meat for reflection of a natural diet of dogs: The closest relative of all domestic dogs is the gray wolf. For the last years from a wolf there were hundreds of breeds of dog, but, despite it, their physiology remained invariable our philosophy of Biological compliance is simple: to reflect wealth, freshness and a variety of meat which dogs would use in the wild nature, limiting amount of the carbohydrates and synthetic additives not inherent in a natural diet it is More than meat (50%) More proteins (31%): Dogs by nature carnivorous, they biologically demand some meat food, with the high content of protein. At them sharp teeth, a short digestive tract, the organism adapted only to a meat food allowance protein-rich and fats of animal origin Therefore in a stern of ACANA Free-Run Duck of 50% of structure is the meat of the duck who is grown up on "free walking" in Ontario, recognized by "the person, suitable for consumption" before arrival on our kitchens In ACANA sterns completely there are no concentrated proteins from potatoes or peas which are widespread in traditional sterns, instead of them, high-quality proteins from meat (but not vegetable) which are necessary for maintenance of muscle bulk and natural food of your dog That is incomparable with traditional sterns which contain insignificant amount of protein (with a large amount of carbohydrates) are a part of forages of ACANA or contain concentrates of vegetable proteins, improper for dogs, the High content of fresh meat ingredients (1/2 meat is fresher): We use fresh meat ingredients in the most natural and nutritious form. For this reason, 1/2 meat ingredients as a part of a formula ACANA Free-Run Duck are FRESH or CRUDE, and 1/2 this dried-up meat and fats - the concentrated source of proteins. To Vsa ingredients, are recognized as suitable for consumption by the person before they get into structure of a forage – that the Only source of meat proteins is a rarity among producers of forages for pets: In a formula ACANA Free-Run Duck the proteins come from the only source - the duck who is grown up on "free walking", all meat ingredients are presented in a highly nourishing ratio of WholePrey™, including meat, internals and cartilages. Such ratio is reflection of a natural diet and provides all nutritious needs of your dog. Thanks to a ratio of WholePrey™ the need for addition of synthetic vitamins and amino acids is considerably reduced that does a forage of ACANA Free-Run Duck by the tasty and useful choice for dogs with sensitive digestion That is incomparable with traditional sterns in which meat ingredients seldom when contain in the ratio WholePrey™, and the structure includes the long list of synthetic additives Meat ingredients in the ratio of WHOLEPREY™: In the infinite wisdom the nature united nutritious qualities of an integral duck, for this purpose ideally to correspond to all food needs of dogs. Muscular meat provides with proteins and fats, internals – a source of vitamins and minerals; bones and cartilages are rich with calcium and Korms phosphorus ACANA contain meat, internals and cartilages in an ideal ratio of WholePrey™, in the most available and nutritious form, without long list of synthetic vitamins or other additives That is incomparable with traditional sterns as a part of which more than 20 different synthetic amino acids, vitamins and minerals the Low content of carbohydrates (30%) contain: The natural diet of dogs contains insignificant amount of carbohydrates, or absolutely does not support them. It is established that carbohydrates are the main reason for obesity and diabetes at dogs. Content of carbohydrates in commercial sterns for animals exceeds 50% Therefore, in ACANA the content of carbohydrates is limited, and fast carbohydrates (like rice, potatoes and tapioca) are replaced with low-glycemic vegetables, including pears of a grade of Bartlett and muscat pumpkin, they slowly come to the blood course, without causing sharp jumps of level of sugar, reducing risk of accumulation of fat That it is incomparable with traditional sterns, the content of carbohydrates in which exceeds 50% presented by such ingredients with the high glycemic index date editing the description: 24.07.2021

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Acana Singles Free-Run Duck Dry food for dogs of all breeds and ages

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