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Acana Regionals Ranchlands Dry dog food of all breeds and age Inspired by extensive fertile ranches of Alberta, a forage of ACANA Ranchlands is made of fresh Canadian ingredients, including valuable types of red meat and the fish caught in the nature, in Canada Korm ACANA Ranchlands Yorkshire, bisons and an integral pike perch is crowded with unsurpassed ingredients, including meat of bull-calves of breed Angus, lambs, pigs of breed. All these ingredients are delivered by WholePrey™ FRESH or CRUDE in the ratio, being reflection of diets to which all dogs adapted, providing natural food without long list of additives High-protein, with smaller amount of the carbohydrates presented by low-glycemic vegetables and fruit, ACANA promotes maintenance of health of all dogs. Korm made exclusively on our Canadian cuisines noted by awards NorthStar® from the Canadian ingredients. We think, Vy fall in love with ACANA and that is even more important, it will be fallen in love by your dog Vse about meat: Priroda united nutritious qualities of an integral game, fish and bird in order that it is ideal to correspond to all food needs of your dog For this reason, forages of ACANA contain highly nourishing balance of meat, bodies and cartilages which provide your dog with all necessary nutrients, without long list of synthetic additives the Modern dogs are similar to the ancestors, and we consider that their food allowance has to be similar Amount of meat? (70% of Meat) as a part of ACANA there are no concentrates of vegetable proteins, instead of them, the forage of ACANA Ranchlands is saturated with meat ingredients (70%) that is almost twice more than in any other Amount of Fresh Meat dog food? (1/2 – Fresh meat ingredients) 1/2 meat ingredients as a part of ACANA are fresh, providing an organism with necessary nutrients in the most nutritious and useful form. 1/2 this dried-up meat – a natural and rich source of meat proteins a Variety of meat? The formula ACANA Ranchlands contains 5 types of meat ingredients in the ratio of WholePrey™ including: meat, bodies and cartilages providing intake of nutrients in the natural and full-fledged way Bull-calves of breed Angus – meat, a liver, heart, kidneys and cartilages, are delivered fresh of steppe prairies of Canada the Lamb who is grown up on free walking – meat, a liver, heart, kidneys and cartilages, Pigs of breed Yorkshire – fresh meat, bodies, cartilages and a liver are delivered fresh of steppe prairies of Canada, Bisons are delivered fresh of steppe prairies of Canada – delivered integral and fresh of local steppe farms Sudak caught in the nature – integral and fresh of the clean lakes of Canada In the nature there are no nutritional supplements, and dogs provide the nutritious requirements, using the production caught by them entirely. Muscle tissues provide with proteins and fats; a liver, kidneys and a stomach – a source of vitamins and minerals; bones and cartilages are rich with calcium and Acana phosphorus is created for predators: Dogs look differently, but each dog has the same DNA set, anatomy of digestive system, as the gray wolf, and it means that dogs the optional predators adapted to a meat diet with the high content of proteins and fats based on this biological fact we created the nutritious analysis the reflecting diet which your dog would eat in the nature date editing the description: 28.09.2021

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Acana Regionals Ranchlands Dry food for dogs of all breeds and ages

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