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8in1 Excel Calcium Calcic additives with vitamin D 8in1 Excel Calcium - the additive for puppies and adult dogs containing the calcium and phosphorus necessary for strengthening of teeth and bones. It is irreplaceable for puppies during growth activation and also for a bough during pregnancy and a lactation. D3 vitamin which is a part of medicine promotes optimum digestion of calcium. This medicine is simply irreplaceable to puppies during the active growth caused by physiological features of each breed. Its uniqueness is that except the "main" mineral substances and a certain amount of vitamin D, this medicine does not contain other vitamins and minerals that does possible its application with any other polyvitaminic complexes and the dry balanced feeds. Experienced manufacturers can often observe a lack of mineral substances at the pets when they begin to pinch plaster or to gnaw round corners of walls therefore try to pick up the special balanced forages or vitamin and mineral fertilizing, but also it sometimes happens not enough. Therefore there is a need for the medicine containing only calcium and phosphorus, and vitamin D is necessary for the best absorption and digestion of these substances. Proceeding from structure it is visible that the excess of vitamins (gipervitaminoz) cannot be because they are not there and if there is no need for additional mineral substances, then they will be brought from digestive tract in the natural way. Calcium is simply irreplaceable for a bough during pregnancy, especially when active formation and growth of skeleton of puppies begins. In this case mineral substances of mother and if they are not enough, then the calcium and phosphorus which are to bones that naturally is not safe for her health begins to use an organism of mother are used. Also calcium is necessary in the course of childbirth when there is very big load of group of belly muscles, and he participates in the mechanism of muscular contraction and if calcium there is enough, then and process of childbirth will take place quicker that can prevent emergence and development of various pathologies. And during the next period, the period of feeding of puppies of Calcium will serve good service. At this time when kids eat exclusively maternal milk, and they put on weight on 200 - 300 grams daily, it becomes clear what hard work there are in an organism boughs and the help is necessary for it. Except protein-rich, carbohydrates and fats of food Calcium which will supply her and her puppies with necessary amount of calcium and phosphorus and will prevent a possibility of appearance of rickets or other pathologies of frame is necessary for it. date editing description: 20.10.2021

Reviews 8in1 Excel CALCIUM Calcium Supplement with Vitamin D

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8in1 Excel CALCIUM Calcium Supplement with Vitamin D

  • Product Code: MX23950
  • Registration Date : 03/02/2022
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  • $93.75

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