1st Choice Adult Digestive Health Toy and Small Dry dietary dog food pass and small breeds the Dietary superpremium of sterns 1st Choice Digestive Health is specially intended for dogs pass also small breeds with food sensitivity or problems of digestion (irritation of a thick gut, diarrhea, locks, a meteorizm, vomiting). Its very tasty bezzernovy formula is developed by veterinarians and experts in the field of food taking into account preferences of dogs of small breeds who often are choosy in food. Diyeta is ideally balanced and adapted to a stage of life of a dog and her specific requirements. The intolerance of foodstuff can cause various gastrointestinal frustration. As a part of a dietary forage the Festival Choys Gastrointestinal are absent grain and the more so heavy cereals (corn, wheat, soy) that favorably affects sensitive digestion of dogs, at the same time needs of pets for food, energy, vitamins and minerals are completely satisfied. The optimum balance of prebiotic cellulose helps to improve quality of a chair, to facilitate defecation, to promote its regularity and to reduce risk of locks which often test pass also small breeds of dog with the shortened digestive system. Preimushchestva of dog food 1st Choice Digestive Health: the diet developed by veterinarians and experts in the field of food provides to adult dogs with food sensitivity or problems of digestion the balanced good nutrition of sterns is adapted for adult dogs pass also small breeds (1 years are more senior), high tastes of a forage guarantee to their size (size of a granule of 9.5 mm), age and special needs of an organism its good poyedayemost even choosy pets in food bezzernovy the forage without gluten contains prebiotic cellulose, barmy extract (source of mannanoligosakharid, MOS), chicory extract (source of inulin, FOS) which maintain normal balance of intestinal microflora, promote good digestion, help to improve quality of a chair, to facilitate defecation, to promote its regularity and to reduce risk of locks and also maintain health of the immune system health of intestines provides an ideal ratio soluble (lentil, peas) and insoluble cellulose (dried pineapple, a lucerne, pea cellulose) health of wool and leather is guaranteed: barmy extract, biotin, Omega-3, Omega-6 (chicken fat, linen seed) health of eyes: the complex of fatty acids, plus vitamins C, E and zinc maintain health of a retina and a crystalline lens that is important for dogs pass breeds chicken – a source of well acquired animal protein of high biological value lentil – a source of vegetable protein and cellulose, starch, the Omega-3 and the Omega-6 contains fatty acids, vitamins and weight micro and macrocells, helps at disorders of intestines and ginger contributes to normalization of level of sugar in blood improves metabolism, promotes good digestion, pineapple reduces risk of gas generation – improves digestion, helping splitting of fats and digestion of proteins, is a source of vitamins C and groups B, huge amount of minerals (phosphorus, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iodine and others), amino acids, increase in immunity is promoted, thanks to the content of highly active enzyme of a bromeline by peas – a magnificent source of iron, vitamins A, With and To and also potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. Besides, it contains antioxidants flavonoids (katezin and epikatekhin), a carotinoid, lutein and polyphenols. Soluble cellulose of peas helps to maintain motility of intestines sweet potato – a source of cellulose and carbohydrates, contains a lot of calcium, vitamins A and With, beta carotene, antioxidants dried pulp of a citrus – the source of vitamin C, natural antioxidant, and cellulose, also contains vitamins, micro and macrocells, organic acids the lucerne contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, manganese, sulfur, copper, zinc, potassium and phosphorus (are necessary for the hardness of bones and health of teeth), beta carotene, vitamin K, group B vitamins and also others micro and macrocells green tea, parsley and mint refresh breath, maintain hygiene of a mouth of a dog control over a smell of excrement thanks to extract of a yucca of Schidigera date editing the description: 07.10.2021
1st Choice Adult Digestive Health Toy and Small Dry Diet Food for Mini and Small Breeds
- Product Code: MX25023
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